JAB16 – JAB20 on this page, keep scrolling down.
JAB16, fall 2001, 32 pages, printed on the Heidelberg at Nexus Press, Atlanta by BF and Aaron Disner
JAB16 designed by Aaron Disner.
Cover designed by David Laufer.
Table of Contents
• Artist’s Pages
—Aaron Disner
• Low-Tech Media Chicanery as a Means of Cultural Resistance
—Mandy Mastrovita
• The State of Things: Free and in Flux Book Art in Germany at the Beginning of the 21st Century
—Uwe Warnke
• Zum Stand der Dinge: entkommen, d.h. in Bewegung. Die Situation der Buchkunst in Deutschland am Behinn des 21. Jhs
—Uwe Warnke
• Words on Shapes
• Simple Harmonic Motions
by Hank Lazer & Ink-A! Press
—review by Charles Alexander
• A Book of the Book: Some Works & Projections About the Book & Writing
edited by Jerome Rothenberg & Steven Clay
—review by Mitch Highfill
• Scott McCarney
—Jae Williams
Order – click here – six copies remain.
David Laufer
JAB16 cover, 2001

Ines von Ketelhodt and Peter Malutzki
Frankfurt Book Fair, 2000

A Book of the Book:
Some Works & Projections About the Book & Writing
Edited by Jerome Rothenberg & Steven Clay, 2000
book review by Mitch Highfill

Scott McCarney
Brooklyn Museum of Art
review by Jae Williams

Zweite Enzyklopadie von Tlön, 1997
Ines von Ketelhodt and Peter Malutzki
from the essay by Uwe Warnke:
"The State of Things: Free and in Flux Book Art
in Germany at the Beginning of the 21st Century"

Ottfried Zielke, 1975
Uwe Warnke Verlag

Christa Wolf
Der Schmerz, n.d.
John Gerard, papermaker
from the essay by Uwe Warnke:
"The State of Things: Free and in Flux Book Art
in Germany at the Beginning of the 21st Century"

Thomas Günther
Edition Dschamp, n.d.

Punk Vest, Party City
Athens, GA, 2000

You're Short, Bald, and Ugly, Charlie Brown
mini-comic one-shot, 1998

Jamie Reid
God Save the Queen
flyer for Sex Pistols album, 1977
"Low-Tech Media Chicanery as a Means of Cultural Resistance"
Mandy Mastrovita
JAB17, spring 2002, 32 pages, offset printed in duotones and tritones on the Heidelberg at Nexus Press, Atlanta–BF.
JAB17 was conceived of as an artist book by Sean Biondollilo. I asked Sean if he would like to make (conceive and design) an artist book using the standard JAB design. He agreed.
He was living in upstate New York at the time but came down to Nexus Press in Atlanta and spent a month designing, stripping film, and making offset plates.
Sean's idea for the design of JAB17 came from a pamphlet about patriotism that she found on a bus. The audience for the pamphlet is adolescent American youngsters–always depicted as happy and clean-cut. The word "PATRIOTISM" is spelled out letter by letter on sequential pages. For instance the page with "P" comes first and includes a patriotic statement after the "P"–
"PROUD of the heritage that has been carved out of history and passed along for you to nourish and to protect."
An image of a smiling black child appropriated from the pamphlet appears on the recto–see illustration on the right. In order to give a fuller and more truthful history of America Seana has inserted a
"Drawing of Ku Klux Klansmen which appeared in an 1868 issue of Harper's magazine."
During breaks from the work Sean was always sketching her odd, darkly humorous drawings on the scraps of paper that can always be found lying around a printshop. I asked him if it was OK if I arranged the drawings into a little book to print and insert into the JAB17. He agreed. So the little book, PRANCE, became the first artist book inserted into a JAB—sewn into the gutter/spine.
Order – click here.

Seana Biondollilo
JAB17 front cover, 2002
"The American spirit has not been extinguished
it only dimmed while we were asleep."

JAB17, back cover
"truth forever on the scaffold,
lies forever on the throne"
[James Russell Lowell–"Wrong" in the original instead of "lies."]

Sean Biondollilo
JAB17, page spread "P"

Sean Biondollilo
JAB17, page spread "T" & "I"
with sewn-in PRANCE

Sean Biondollilo
JAB17, page spread "I" and "O"

Sean Biondollilo
working on JAB17, Nexus Press
Fall, 2001, photo–BF
JAB18, fall 2002,32 pages, was offset printed on the Heidleberg KORD at Nexus Press, Atlanta by BF. JAB18 was designed by Clifton Meador. The film was imageset on the SelectSet Avantra 25S donated by the Agfa Corporation at the Institute for Electronic Art at Alfred University, Alfred, NY.
Table of Contents
• Artist Pages: Toward a New Cemetery
(Cover, inside covers and page 32)
– Clifton Meador
• Autism, Physiognomy & Letter Forms:
The Faces of James Castle
– Tom Trusky
• Singular and Unique: A Publisher's Subjective Experience with the Untimely Art of the One-of-a-Kind Book
– Thomas Günther
• Debtor's Prison by Lewis Warsh and Julie Harrison
– review by Joe Elliot
• Pocket Books
– overview by Clifton Meador
• Artist Pages: Georgie the Elder
– James Fossett
• New Titles from Nexus Press

Clifton Meador
JAB18 front cover, 2002
Images on the right and below
are from the essay
"Autism, Physiognomy & Letter Forms:
The Faces of James Castle"
by Tom Trusky

back cover
Proposal for the Flag of the United Islamic Republics of America
Proposal for the Flag of the United States of Iraq

James Castle, circa 1913
Taylor bookhead. Opening illustration of the Idaho School for the Deaf and Blind "chapters" in Castle's autobiographical edition recovered from the Castle family icehouse circa 1970. Shown is W. E. Taylor, Director of the school. Pictured inside his head: presumably his wife, a teacher at the school (she holds a blackboard pointer) and their children or other staff.

James Castle, circa 1913
Liphead bookhead. One of a series of portraits of Gooding school classmates. Like those on "Mona Lisa," the lips that Castle draws are open to interpretation. Was this young man to be remembered for his ability to speak, read lips, or for his ability to buss [kiss]? Or did he just have well-endowed lips? (Castle invariably draws male and female student neckerchiefs upside down.

Photograph and drawing of James Castle.
Photograph by Nellie Castle of James Castle (1911) and Castle's re-drawing of his sister's photo (date unknown).

Code books. Castle has devised more than a dozen codes all bearing the same–if any–message. Despite diverse letters, numbers, characters, and glyphs, code patterns are identical in all books, although approximately half are mirror sequences (reversed pattern) of the other.

James Castle, Primer Portraits

Charles Bukowski, The Star: 3 Poems
One-of-a-kind book by Klaus Zylla
"Singular and Unique:
A Publisher's Subjective Experience with the Untimely Art of the One-of-a-Kind Book" essay by Thomas Günther

JAB19, spring 2003, 32 pages, offset printed on the Heidelberg KORD at Nexus Press, Atlanta, by BF.
JAB19 was guest-edited and designed by members of the Atlanta Poets Group (APG). Each poet wrote and designed their pages.
Sandy Baldwin
Mark Prejsnar
JS Van Buskirk
Zac Denton
Randy Prunty
James Sanders
Tedd Hulholland
Tracey Gagné
)ohn Lowther
thanks to Jeff Rackley & all the folks at Eyedrum & REPUGNO for an 11th hour cover design
JAB 19 cover, 2003

Sandy Baldwin
Something about adjusting yourself
AKA gravity scamp
Le Printemps Umgebung Nos Temos Virtuoso
Mark Prejsnar
Christian Bök
Valuvëla, 1999

eyes need ears to hang on
or Trash, The Musical
JS Van Buskirk

Electrische Ontladingen
Zac Denton

JAB20, fall 2003, 40 pages, the cover was offset printed in duotones, on the Heidelberg KORD at Nexus Press by BF. The text block was offset printed in black plus CMYK (for the JAB covers) on the Heidelberg KORZ at the Borowsky Center for Publication Arts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia by BF.
Ruth Laxson designed the cover, outside and inside. During Ruth's residency at Nexus Press while we were printing her artist book A Hundred Years of: LEX FLEX, I asked her if she would design the cover + inside cover for JAB20. She agreed. The year was 2003 – the texts and images on the cover allude to the rising tensions in the in the US and Middle East between radical jihadists and some in the US wanting revenge for the 9/11 attacks – eventually resulting in George Bush’s war in Iraq – we thought it really couldn’t happen, but it did. Ruth wrote on the back cover:
But the chieftains were restless. Fear of demon difference.
The cover contains a subtle political statement and includes a black figure wearing a burqa while cars, implying oil, cruise along. Taken all together there is an allusion to the Middle East and our prejudices when confronted with difference. Also on the front cover is Ruth’s call to action and protest with one of her two letter words poems:
it is up to us if we go on as it is
Table of Contents
• Last JAB, Book of Ruth, MCBA/Bolger Concept to Print Residency
– Brad Freeman
• Thinking About Ten Years of JAB
– Johanna Drucker
The Evolving Idea of Minnesota Center for Book Arts
• Alter-Aesthetics
– Betty Bright
• In the Context of Reading
– Susan Viguers
• Book Rats
– Brandon Cooper Black
• JAB Covers 1994 - 2003
• JAB INDEX (by issue & artist/author)
Ruth Laxson, A Hundred Years of: LEX FLEX
Ruth Laxson's artist book A Hundred Years of: LEX FLEX (2003) was the last book printed at Nexus Press before being closed by the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center.
LEX FLEX – the title suggests a lexicon that is flexible and refers to the mutability of language when new words come into our vocabulary. The conceptual starting point of the book is indicated in the title. It is a book about new words in the English language during the 20th century. Laxson also recounts important cultural, social, and political events that changed the course of history in small and large ways in a chronology tied to the sequence of pages.
1905 – Novocain introduced, Einstein posits relativity theory
1911 – Superconductivity was born
1913 – X-ray was discovered, Ozone layer discovered, Assembly line production of Model T Fords cut production [time] in half
1920 – Women of the USA win the right to vote
1924 – Galaxies outside Milky Way discovered
1925 – Scopes found guilty of teaching evolution
1928 – Penicillin discovered

Ruth Laxson
JAB20 cover–outside back & front

Ruth Laxson
Nexus Press, Atlanta, 2003
Examining a press sheet from her artist book
A Hundred Years of: LEX FLEX

MCBA/Bolger Concept to Print Residency
from BF's essay in JAB20
In November, 2002 Mary Jo Pauly, Artistic Director of Minnesota Center for Book Arts, invited me to collaborate in an NEA-supported residency with another as-yet-to-be-chosen artist on a project to be printed in the summer of 2003 at the Bolger Concept to Print printing plant in Minneapolis. Mary Jo was looking for a way to expand MCBA's programming and publishing activities which in the past have used traditional technologies including printmaking, hand bookbinding, papermaking, and letterpress. This desire intersected with Dik Bolger's long standing idea of having and artist work directly on one of his state-of-the-art multi-color offset presses to produce original artwork. [Mary Jo had picked me because she knew I had been making artist books since 1980 using the offset process as a creative printmaking medium.]
As we talked over the ensuing months it became clear that Mary Jo desired a true collaboration–a new work that came about between the ideas and cooperation of two (or more) artists. Likewise, Dik wanted a print work that was in some ways created on the press–something that could not have been created without the use and distinctive signature of the offset press. He wanted the artists to come into his shop and experiment with the process as well as challenge his employees in a manner that would change the way they were thinking about how they worked. (Ultimately, I have my doubts that the latter desire was accomplished or not.) Like Mary Jo, Dik wanted the work to be new and he didn't want his pressmen to simply reproduce the CMYK files of pre-existing work. He wanted the artists to spend a month working and creating a new artwork at Bolger Concept to Print.
The next step was to select the other artist from the thirty or so who had responded to the call sent out by MCBA. Rosemary Furtak, librarian at the Walker Art Center, Mike Murray, Creative Director at Fallon-McGellicot in Minneapolis and myself were the jurors. The selection process was framed by the above conditions offered by Mary Jo and Dik. After a day of reading proposals and looking at slides we picked Anne George, a Minneapolis artist. She had been working on an ongoing project photographing artificial flowers–something that I found intriguing visually and in ther way that she thoughtfully explained it in her proposal. Anne clearly understood the collaborative process–that a new work was to be created by the efforts of two artists. The decisive moment for me as a juror occurred when Mary Jo (who was operating the slide projector) showed Anne's first slide and remarked that this was a mistake, that it couldn't be Anne's work. As she began to pull the slides out to see the artist's name Mary Jo said she was familiar with Anne's work and it was very different from the photograph shown in the slide. But the slide really was of Anne George's work. To me this was crucial–an artist in mid career who has substantially changed the look or direction of her artwork. It meant she was flexible and curious and willing to explore new ways of working–necessary components in the collaborative process.
The following are excerpts from the daily log I kept during the residency.
Monday, July 7
First face-to-face meeting with Anne George–after two phone meetings in which we had extensive discussions about our upcoming collaboration.
to be contd.,

BF, Dik Bolger, and Anne George
Bolger Concept to Print, Minneapolis, 2003
photo–Tricia Buckley

Bill Haden, master printer
Bolger Concept to Print

Heidelberg Speedmaster 6 color offset press
Bolger Concept to Print

Mary Jo Pauly (Artistic Director, MCBA) contemplating printed sheets hot off the press.
Anne George documenting the press room.

Andy Schwarz, printer, Bolger Concept to Print