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Founded by Brad Freeman in 1994, JAB - The Journal of Artists’ Books (ISSN 1085-1461) is dedicated to elevating the level of discourse in artists’ books by providing a critical forum for theoretical and creative issues in artists’ books.

Artists’ books exist at the intersections of printmaking, photography, poetry, experimental narrative, visual arts, graphic design, & book art.

As a forum for the study of these works, JAB publishes critical and theoretical articles, reviews of books & exhibitions, documentation of current activity through interviews with artists & publishers, as well as commentary on conferences and other book art-related activities.

JAB regularly showcases creative work in the form of artists’ statements, artist-designed pages, artists’ books, and covers produced specifically for JAB.

JAB ceased publication in 2020 and back issues are available through Brad Freeman at


JAB is indexed in Art Abstracts, CSA's ARTbibliographies Modern, and in Bibliography of the History of Art.

Click on the
All JABs link to find contents of each issue.

JAB - Journal of Artists' Books
(ISSN 1085-1461)

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